Family Guy

Today, central Indiana was hammered by 5 inches of snow. Any other northern city would handle it without incident, but there's nothing more morbidly funny than Hoosiers on Ice. My evening class was canceled (over a mere 5 inches), so I left campus early. It took me an hour and a half to make my way from the downtown campus to my house, a trek that never exceeds a half hour. By the time I arrived home, I wasn't nearly as excited about sledding as I had been when I left school.

So, I got home, took a brief nap, ate dinner with MomandDad, shoveled the driveway, then built a fire in the fireplace while the 'rents did some errands. I was home alone on a cold snowy evening, a growing fire in the fireplace, and I turned all the lights out in the house, sat on my sofa in silence, watching the flames grow in the fireplace, shadows dancing across the floor and up the walls.

MomandDad came home, brought me Starbucks, and we sat in the dark house, watching the fire, and we just talked. We talked about everything in general, and nothing in particular, and wasted away two hours of the evening. There was much more that we needed to accomplish, but I genuinely enjoyed my time with my parents tonight. Sometimes, it's nice to waste time doing what's really important.